
Joined Seufert Rechtsanwälte

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Seufert advises the founders of Mothership Talents GmbH on the sale of a shareholding stake to a Spanish strategic investor
Seufert advises the Spanish automotive supplier Segura on the acquisition of two production sites in Germany out of insolvency
Handelsblatt: Seufert Partners again "Best Lawyers" in the ranking "Germany's Best Lawyers 2024"
Corporate partner Dr. Bernhard Lambrecht and Healthcare partners Dr. Anke Hübner and Prof. Dr. Thomas Vollmöller are recommended by name in the current JUVE-Ranking 2023/24
Seufert Partner Dr. Johannes Gruber will lecture at the Forum Institut on insolvency and restructuring of hospital companies on 29th November 2023
Dr. Stefanie Kronawitter will speak at the 17th BMVZ Professionals' Congress on 22 September 2023 in Berlin
13 Seufert runners take part in B2Run company run in Munich - Congratulations to Sarah Nouguier for a position on the winner's podium
Handelsblatt again lists Seufert partners as "Best Lawyers" in this year's rankings "Deutschlands beste Anwälte 2023"
Seufert's transaction team successfully completes structured bidding process for the sale of WolfartKlinik
Chambers lists Seufert's international network ADVOC as "Global Market Leaders 2023" ("Band 1" - Global Law Firm Networks)
Seufert’s transaction team advises on the takeover of the traditional fashion house Kuhn in Baden-Württemberg
Seufert successfully represents CAF in procurement review proceedings for the supply of up to 275 trams
Seufert among Focus Top Commercial Lawyers 2022 for Healthcare
Seufert advises QUARTZ Healthcare Group Sarl on the acquisition of the radprax Gruppe
Handelsblatt again lists Seufert partners as "Best Lawyers" in this year's rankings "Deutschlands beste Anwälte 2022"
brand eins includes Seufert among the best health care law firms 2022
Seufert advises District of Kehlheim on strategic partnership
Seufert Corporate Partner Dr. Johannes Gruber elected to ADVOC Europe board
Seufert advises Shop Apotheke in takeover of First A a Quick Commerce platform for pharmaceuticals
Seufert Healthcare Partner Dr. Thomas Vollmöller appointed honorary professor
Chambers again lists Seufert‘s Health Care Practice in the TOP law firms
ADVOC Europe Board meets at Seufert in Munich
Wirtschaftswoche again lists Hans-Jörg Kreyes as Leading Lawyer in medical law
Seufert advises Cuxhaven District on the return of Otterndorf Hospital to municipal ownership in insolvency plan proceedings
Seufert advises Data Respons AS on its acquisition of a further provider of special-ised IT services
Florian Roetzer in Handelsblatt Ranking „Beste Anwälte 2021"
Handelsblatt lists Dr. Anke Hübner and Dr. Johannes Gruber in ranking "Deutschlands beste Anwälte 2021" - Best Lawyers
Seufert acts for Magdeburger Verkehrsbetriebe (MVB) in its procurement process for new low-floor trams
brand eins includes Seufert among the best health care law firms 2021
Seufert advised in cooperation with its French partner law firm CVS three French banks on acquisition financing for the takeover of a German company
Seufert is again a TOP law firm for medical law
Seufert advises Heiligenfeld on the sale of its shares in Psychosomatische Privatklinik Bad Grönenbach GmbH
Florian Roetzer in Handelsblatt Ranking „Beste Anwälte 2020“
Dr. Anke Hübner in Handelsblatt Ranking „Beste Anwälte 2020“
Seufert advises Peine District on the re-municipalisation of Klinikum Peine gGmbH
Seufert Focus top commercial law firm in 2020
Chambers lists Seufert’s Health Care Practice among the TOP law firms
Seufert Corporate Partner Dr. Johannes Gruber co-author of the Krankenhaus Rating Report 2020 special analysis on the reorganisation of hospitals in insolvency proceedings
Seufert advises on merger of the Altötting and Mühldorf a. Inn regional hospitals to become the InnKlinikum Altötting and Mühldorf
Seufert advises Midsona AB on its acquisition of Eisblümerl Naturkost GmbH
Seufert advises Data Respons ASA on its acquisition of DONAT group GmbH
Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)
Seufert again amongst TOP law firms for Health Care and Corporate Law in JUVE Rankings
Seufert advises EuroEyes on IPO in HongKong
Further specialist lawyer for medical law in the team Health Care
Seufert advises district of Main-Spessart on the sale of the former Karlstadt hospital
Top rankings and multiple recommendations in survey of German in-house lawyers for Seufert in healthcare (TOP 3), SDAX companies (TOP 10) as well as corporate and labour law
Wirtschaftswoche lists Petra Maier and Hans-Jörg Kreyes as top lawyers for medical law
Seufert advises the Norwegian technology group Data Respons on its acquisition of two further German companies
Seufert advises on the acquisition of a strategic minority holding in software provider Tiplu GmbH
Dr. Christoph Seebo and Katharina Lehmann are co-authors in the new Munich Commentary on Procurement Law
Seufert Environmental Law Partner Josef Geislinger gives a lecture at the 21st Bavarian Waste and Landfill Days on the topic "Ways to new landfill space despite resistance".
Seufert advises on capital increase and investment of new shareholders in the bioinformatics company BioVariance
Seufert advises on joint entry of German hospital operator RHÖN-KLINIKUM AG and Swiss telemedicin provider Medgate into the new world of telemedicine in Germany
Hospital, pharmaceuticals and medical devices law expert Rechtsanwältin Dr. Starzer joins Seufert’s Health Care Team
Seufert advises RHÖN KLINIKUM AG on the takeover of Marburger Ionenstrahl-Therapiezentrum GmbH from Heidelberg University Hospital
Seufert again Focus top commercial law firm in 2018
Clients and business partners enjoy grand opera
Seufert advises the Spanish textile group Antex in its acquisition of a German niche supplier
Seufert advises Davert, a family-run provider of organic food in its strategic sale of the business to Midsona, a Swedish market-leader in the field of organic products
THE FUTURE OF MUNICIPAL HOSPITALS on 21 June 2018 with Prof. Lauterbach, MdB, and District Chief Executive Dr. Neth
Seufert advises the District of Hohenlohe on successful market research and selection of a strategic partner for hospital and retirement homes in the District
Seufert Co-Organiser of the fifth Global M&A Conference in London
Seufert advises ShapeDrive, a 3D measuring technology specialist, on its sale to Wenglor Sensori
Seufert advises the Norwegian technology group Data Respons on its acquisition of a further German company
Daniel Brüchle appointed partner at Seufert Rechtsanwälte
Seufert's International law firm network advoc presents International Business Guide
Seufert supported the 6th Dresdner Medizinrechtssymposiums with Vice President of the Federal Constitutional Court Prof. Dr. iur. Ferdinand Kirchhof on the 29th and 30th September 2017
A cultural highlight for clients and business partners – about 150 guests enjoyed the traditional summer party “Opera for All” at Seufert
The Future of Municipal Hospitals – fourth edition with Prof. Karl Lauterbach and Prof. Boris Augurzky: The treatment environment must be redesigned.
Seufert advises RHÖN-KLINIKUM AG on separate accounting agreement with the State of Hesse
Save the date: THE FUTURE OF MUNICIPAL HOSPITALS IV on 5 July 2017
Seufert advise on inter-denominational hospital merger
Dr. Tibor Szabados strengthens Seufert’s health law team
Seufert a Co-Organiser of the Global M&A Conference in London
Seufert advises the Norwegian technology group Data Respons on its acquisition of MicroDoc, a Munich-based IT company
Seufert again Focus top commercial law firm in 2016
The Future of Municipal Hospitals III – Local authority decision-makers discussed with Prof. Lauterbach and Prof. Mansky the effects of the Hospital Structure Act (KHSG) and intensified quality competition
Seufert Rechtsanwälte advises Chemnitz Municipal Transport Services on major investment
Seufert gains further health law expert
Seufert and JT&N advise listed Chinese technology company on deinvestment in Germany
Save the date: THE FUTURE OF MUNICIPAL HOSPITALS III on 30 June 2016
Seufert advises hospital group on the formation of a start-up incubator
Seufert advises RHÖN-KLINIKUM AG on cooperation with IBM's "Watson"
Seufert sponsor of the 3rd Global M&A Conference on 28/29. February 2016 in London
Students of the University of Regensburg (Prof. Kingreen) visit the 5th Senate of the State Social Court with Seufert
Inhouse lawyers place Seufert first in their recommendations of highly-specialised law firms for the health system and among the Top 10 for MDAX companies
Seufert advises on the takeover of the Kreisklinik Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale
Seufert advises Stiftung Münch (The Münch Foundation) on property transaction
Fiona Ladič of Ashfords' Dispute Resolution Team in England was on a secondment with Seufert Rechtsanwälte
Seufert 2015 again among FOCUS top business law firms
Seufert establishes the first purely dental medical care centre in Bavaria
Box seats for clients and business partners at “Opera for all” – about 200 guests enjoy Munich summer culture at Seufert
Seufert advises the State of Bavaria on the review of Augsburg Hospital on its conversion to a university hospital
Seufert presents its expert discussion Future of Municipal Hospitals II
Seufert again co-promotes hospital financing workshop
Seufert Rechtsanwälte advises Leipzig Municipal Transport Services on major investment
Seufert strengthens its corporate team and raises its international profile
Seufert Workshop: Financial Security of Hospitals – Opportunities and Limits of Cooperation Models
Expert in planning law, environmental law, construction law, aviation law and commercial administrative law, Dr. Martin Schröder, new partner at Seufert
Seufert sponsors 2nd Global M&A Conference on 25th and 26th January 2015 in London
Seufert Rechtsanwälte among the most recommended law firms
Seufert among FOCUS top business law firms
Seufert‘s Corporate Team advises on share repurchase of approx. 1.6 billion. Euro
Seufert Rechtsanwälte again wins INTL Healthcare Law Firm of the Year Award
Seufert team advises on hospital merger in Wilhelmshaven
Seufert M&A team sells Waltershausen-Friedrichsroda hospital to SRH Kliniken GmbH
Seufert M&A team sells Boizenburg hospital to KMG Kliniken plc
Seufert M&A Team advises HCM SE on the sale of Kliniken Leipziger Land to Sana Kliniken AG
Seufert Corporate Team clears way for re-acquisition of shares worth up to 1.7 billion
Seufert advises on joint venture between the Heidelberg and Marburg university hospitals to operate the innovative Marburg ion radiation therapy facility (MIT)
“Industry Sector Workshop Hospital Financing” addresses outpatient treatment
Seufert gains medical care law expert
Seufert team advises RHÖN-KLINIKUM AG on critical general meeting
Seufert Rechtsanwälte Wins Healthcare Law Firm of the Year Award
We are pleased to announce two new partners with effect from January 2014 in Munich and Leipzig
Seufert team advises HCM SE on acquisition of Helios Kliniken Leipziger Land
Sharper international profile: Seufert appoints new advoc delegate
Seufert team advises Klinikum Fulda gAG on the acquisition of Rhön-Klinik Gersfeld
Seufert team advises the City of Weingarten on the sale of 94.9% in Krankenhaus 14 Nothelfer GmbH
Seufert team advises Rhön-Klinikum AG on the sale of 43 hospitals to Fresenius
Seufert team advises the City of Ansbach on hospitals merger
Mehrleistungsabschlag 2012
Mehrleistungsabschlag: Erste Kassenklage abgewiesen
Neue Einschränkungen für MVZs!
Eilentscheidung des SG Dresden – Ermächtigte Ärzte und Einrichtungen sind überweisungsbefugt!
Begrenzung der Urlaubsansprüche langzeiterkrankter Arbeitnehmer