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Florian Roetzer, LL.M.

Attorney-at-Law, Partner
Specialised Lawyer of Commercial and Corporate Law

Admitted 2000
Joined Seufert Rechtsanwälte 2015
Location Munich

Phone Extension: +49 89 29033-113
E-mail address:

Languages: German, English, Spanish

Law Studies at the Universities of Passau and CEU San Pablo in Madrid, Master Program "Mergers & Acquisitions" at the Westfälische Wilhelms-University of Münster, practice as lawyer with national and international business law firms in Munich, Düsseldorf and Barcelona

IBA International Bar Association, German-Spanish Lawyers Association, VGR Corporate Law Association, Mergers & Acquisitions Alumni Germany, Working Group of the German Lawyers Association in Commercial and Corporate Law, Working Group of the German Lawyers Association in International Business Law

Areas of Expertise:
Corporate law, mergers & acquisitions, cross-border transactions, venture capital, joint ventures, national and international distribution systems, German-Spanish legal transactions


Safeguarding of the IT Aspects of a Carve Out Transaction by means of Transitional Services Agreements

Jürgen Taeger (Ed.), Smart World – Smart Law? – Worldwide Networks under Local Regulation, proceedings of the Annual Conference 2016 of the German Foundation of IT Law, p. 651

Distribution Law Guidelines

for the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Spain, 2016, available under

Matrix Structures in Companies and Data Protection – How to Resolve this Conflict?

Jürgen Taeger (Ed.), The Internet of Things – The digitalisation of the Economic System and of Society, proceedings of the Annual Conference 2015 of the German Foundation of IT Law, p. 225

The Cross-Border Transfer of the Registered Office of Corporations

Jutta Wollersheim/Isabell M. Welpe (Ed.), Forum Mergers & Acquisitions 2014 - Contributions of Law and Economic Sciences, p. 39

How to Localise the Red Flags - Due Diligence in IT-/IP-based Companies

Jürgen Taeger (Ed.), Big Data & Co - New Challenges of IT Law, proceedings of the Annual Conference 2014 of the German Foundation of IT Law, p. 763

Legal Means for the Reduction of Delayed Payment in Business

Contribution to the Spanish economic magazine Gaceta de los Negocios of 23.01.2006

Implementation of the Community Directive on Combating Late Payment in Commercial Transactions into Spanish National Law

Contribution to the Spanish economic magazine Gaceta de los Negocios of 29.06.2004


Seufert advises the founders of Mothership Talents GmbH on the sale of a shareholding stake to a Spanish strategic investor
Seufert advises the Spanish automotive supplier Segura on the acquisition of two production sites in Germany out of insolvency
13 Seufert runners take part in B2Run company run in Munich - Congratulations to Sarah Nouguier for a position on the winner's podium
Handelsblatt again lists Seufert partners as "Best Lawyers" in this year's rankings "Deutschlands beste Anwälte 2023"
Handelsblatt again lists Seufert partners as "Best Lawyers" in this year's rankings "Deutschlands beste Anwälte 2022"
Seufert advises Data Respons AS on its acquisition of a further provider of special-ised IT services
Florian Roetzer in Handelsblatt Ranking „Beste Anwälte 2021"
Florian Roetzer in Handelsblatt Ranking „Beste Anwälte 2020“
Seufert advises Midsona AB on its acquisition of Eisblümerl Naturkost GmbH
Seufert advises Data Respons ASA on its acquisition of DONAT group GmbH
Top rankings and multiple recommendations in survey of German in-house lawyers for Seufert in healthcare (TOP 3), SDAX companies (TOP 10) as well as corporate and labour law
Seufert advises the Norwegian technology group Data Respons on its acquisition of two further German companies
Seufert advises the Spanish textile group Antex in its acquisition of a German niche supplier
Seufert advises Davert, a family-run provider of organic food in its strategic sale of the business to Midsona, a Swedish market-leader in the field of organic products
Seufert advises ShapeDrive, a 3D measuring technology specialist, on its sale to Wenglor Sensori
Seufert advises the Norwegian technology group Data Respons on its acquisition of a further German company
Seufert a Co-Organiser of the Global M&A Conference in London
Seufert advises the Norwegian technology group Data Respons on its acquisition of MicroDoc, a Munich-based IT company
Seufert strengthens its corporate team and raises its international profile


Safeguarding of the IT Aspects of a Carve Out Transaction by means of Transitional Services Agreements

Jürgen Taeger (Ed.), Smart World – Smart Law? – Worldwide Networks under Local Regulation, proceedings of the Annual Conference 2016 of the German Foundation of IT Law, p. 651

Distribution Law Guidelines

for the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Spain, 2016, available under

Matrix Structures in Companies and Data Protection – How to Resolve this Conflict?

Jürgen Taeger (Ed.), The Internet of Things – The digitalisation of the Economic System and of Society, proceedings of the Annual Conference 2015 of the German Foundation of IT Law, p. 225

The Cross-Border Transfer of the Registered Office of Corporations

Jutta Wollersheim/Isabell M. Welpe (Ed.), Forum Mergers & Acquisitions 2014 - Contributions of Law and Economic Sciences, p. 39

How to Localise the Red Flags - Due Diligence in IT-/IP-based Companies

Jürgen Taeger (Ed.), Big Data & Co - New Challenges of IT Law, proceedings of the Annual Conference 2014 of the German Foundation of IT Law, p. 763

Legal Means for the Reduction of Delayed Payment in Business

Contribution to the Spanish economic magazine Gaceta de los Negocios of 23.01.2006

Implementation of the Community Directive on Combating Late Payment in Commercial Transactions into Spanish National Law

Contribution to the Spanish economic magazine Gaceta de los Negocios of 29.06.2004